We must represent ourselves when currents sweep over our intentions. The Santozeum asks each of its participants to create a manifesto clearly formulating concerns and/or calls to action, and to list his/her intentions in forming groups around their credos. The Santozeum manifesto is to collect manifestos into a volume.

The Santozeum calls on artists to locate points of crisis for the participating entities and to track strategies
of production in response to the circumstances of their mission. Current trends in political indecision, years with more or less arts funding, transitions away from print into digital text, sacrificing the gritty for gloss, losing creative security in the society that surrounds us but gaining clarity in artistic credos are some thrusts that may have provided impetus for creative resistance or action.


Each person/creative entity works within or without a city-island. Whether participating in a group activity, representing a neighborhood, or working on an island, the geography of creative islands informs the activity of each participant. The Santozeum calls on artists/ writers/film makers/critics/designers/activists to share their creative islands in participating with their work.


Staying put in a restless universe is a phrase with a large impact. Santozeum residents stay on the island, within their own defined boundaries of contact – hermits and social creatures alike have the space, quiet or resounding, to practice their work.

Collaborating with the Santozeum is a form of island creation. Works will be exposed to international artists in residence at the Santozeum, all negotiated under
the roof of one curating entity, as well as the audience at large viewing exhibits, perusing publications, participating in open events.

Anyone can be asked anything, impromptu interviews are encouraged. Thank you for participating we look forward to our fruitful discussion,

Ileana Drinovan and the Santozeum team.

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